C&G Unit 202/602 Principles of Building Construction, Information and Communication

02 Information Sources Used in Construction (S10.1)
03 Interpret Working Drawing (S10.2)
04 Purpose of Benchmarks Used in Construction. (S10.3)
05 Thermally Insulated Materials (S11.1)
06 Methods of Making Buildings Water Efficient (S11.2)
07 Methods of Making Buildings Energy Efficient (S11.3)
08 Environmental-Friendly Building Materials and Waste Management (S11.3-4)
09 Factors To Be Considered When Selecting Foundations (S12.1)
10 Mix-Ratios Used in Concrete Foundations (S12.2)

11 How to Set Out Foundations (S12.3)
12 Excavating Foundations and Transferring Datums (S12.4-6)
13 Wall Components (S13.1)
14 Importance of a Damp Proof Course (S13.2)
15 Calculate the Area and Additives used in Mortar (S13.3-4)
16 Types of Bonding (S13.5)
17 Load-Bearing and Non-Load-Bearing Internal Walls (S13.6-7)
18 Floor Components and Types of Roofs (S14.15)
19 Job Roles Within Building Teams (S16.1-2)
20 Information Needed When Requesting Materials & Communication (S16.3-7)

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