Sat. May 18th, 2024

Safety Signs & Signals

Safety Signs

Employers, duty holders and others who have a responsibility for the workplace.

Safety Signs and Signals are required in any workplace environment, even though you have other measures in place like your Company Health and Safety Policy and RAM`s. (Risk Assessment & Method Statements).

Safety signs are essential for preventing accidents and injury and all signs must follow BS EN ISO 7010:2020.

The symbols have been agreed globally to ensure all safety signs are consistent and clarity that is understandable across different languages, cultures or settings.

You will notice that all of the safety signs have no words and the symbol takes no more than 50% of the area of design.

How safety signs are made up

All signs must be clean and legible and must be able to be seen at a distance and under different environmental conditions.

All signs should be sufficient size and located in a prominent position to comply with the regulations.

See the following example below

Position for safety signs

The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations give the Colours and Shapes for all safety signs.

The employer must make sure during this Site Induction that they cover the four main safety signs.

Warning Signs

Animated Warning Sign: Corrosive


Warns you of something dangerous

Shape: Triangular

Black pictogram on a Yellow Background with black edging
the Yellow part to take up at least 50% of the area of the sign.

To see more selections of Warning Signs, click on this text

Prohibitory Signs

Animated Prohibitory Signs: Do Not Touch sign

Do Not Touch

A sign prohibiting item behaviour likely to increase or cause danger.

Shape: Round

Black pictogram on White Background, Red Edging and Diagonal Line
The Red part to take up at least 35% of the area of the sign

To see more selections of Prohiditory Signs, click on this text

Mandatory Signs

Animated Wash Hands sign

Wash Hands

A sign prescribing specific behaviour

Shape: Round

White Pictogram on a Blue Background
The Blue part to take up at least 50% of the area of the sign

To see more selections of Mandatory Signs, click on this text

Emergency Escape or First-aid Signs

Animated Emergency Escape sign

Emergency Exit

Gives information on Emergency Exit

Shape: Rectangular or Square Shape

White Pictogram on a Green Background
The Green part to take up at least 50% of the area of the sign.

To see more selections of Emergency Escape or First-aid Signs, click on this text

Supplementary ‘This way’ signs for emergency exits/escape routes

Animated This way sign

This way

First-aid Signs

Animated First-aid Signs: Emergency Shower sign

Emergency Shower

Animated First Aid Sign

First Aid

Animated Emergency Shower sign

Emergency Shower

Animated First-aid Signs: Emergency Telephone sign

Emergency Telephone

Fire Equipment

This post is being designed at the moment

Animated Fire Extinguisher sign

Fire Extinguisher

Indicates the location of Firefighting Equipment
Shape: Oblong or Square

White Pictogram on a Red Background
The Red part to take up at least 50% of the area of the sign

To see more selections of Fire Signs, click on this text

Supplementary ‘This way’ signs for firefighting equipment

Animated This way sign

This way

CLP Regulation

A graphical composition that includes a Symbol plus other graphic
elements, such as a border, background pattern or colour that is
intended to convey specific information on the hazard concerned
(CLP Article 2(3)).
For example, this pictogram indicates an oxidising substance or

Further information can be found at the Global Harmonized System

Animated Oxidising sign


A General Signals

Coded signals to be used

The following set of coded signals is without prejudice to other codes applicable at the Community level, used for the same manoeuvres in certain sectors:




Start of command

Construction hand signal movement, General Signal - Start

Both Arms are extended horizontally with the palms facing forwards.



End of movement

Construction hand signal movement, General Signal - Stop

The Right Arm points upwards with the palm facing forwards.



END of the operation

Construction hand signal movement, General Signal - End

Both Hands are clasped at chest height.

B Vertical Movements




Construction hand signal movement, Vertical Movements Raise

The Right Arm points upwards with the palm facing forward and slowly makes a circle.




Construction hand signal movement, Vertical Movements Lower

The Right Arm points downwards with the palm facing inwards and slowly makes a circle.




Construction hand signal movement, Vertical Distance

The Hands indicate the relevant distance

C Horizontal Movements




Construction hand signal movement, Horizontal Movements - Move Forwards

Both Arms are bent with the palms facing upwards and the forearms make
Slow movements towards the body.




Construction hand signal movement, Horizontal Movements - Move Backwards

Both Arms are bent with the palms facing downwards and the forearms make Slow movements away from the body.




to the signalman

Construction hand signal movement, Horizontal Movements - Right to the Signalman

The Right Arm is extended more or less Horizontally with the palm facing downwards and Slowly makes small movements to the Right.




to the signalman

Construction hand signal movement, Horizontal Movements - Left to the Signalman

The Left Arm is extended more or less horizontally with the palm facing downwards and Slowly makes small movements to the Left.




Construction hand signal movement, Horizontal Movements - Horizontal Distance

The Hands Indicate the relevant distance.

D Danger




Emergency stop



Construction hand signal movement, Danger

Both Arms point upwards
with the palms facing

All movements faster.

All movements slower.

If you feel confident, why don’t you try the

CSCS Safety Signs Test

By balang